Why should I go out and invest in a home alarm system? There are no guarantees in life except as someone put it only death and taxes. So the first point you need to understand is that just because you have a burglar alarm it doesn't mean you won't ever get robbed. What it does mean is that by having a good alarm system you will greatly decrease your chances of having a burglary. And if you did have an alarm and the thief broke in and the alarm went off then he probably wouldn't hang a round as long so he would get less of your valuable items. That is the big why in why do you need a home alarm system. In the long run it will save you money and will protect your assets.
Consider this: If you were a burglar walking down the street looking for potential customers and walked past two houses and one had a home alarm system and the other didn't. Which one do you think you would give the most consideration to. I am sure that I know your response so let's move on.
Will it cost me a lot of money? What kind of home alarm system do I need? Which kind do I buy? There are many questions to ask but it is like many other issues in life a little bit of thought and a little bit of research will yield rich rewards and set you on the path to making an informed decision.
Essentially the home alarm system works one of two ways, either closed or open. In a closed circuit system electricity can flow from one end of the circuit to the other as long as the door remains shut. If someone opens the door then the circuit is opened electricity can't flow and this in turn triggers an alarm.
The open circuit system works the opposite way, opening the door closes the circuit. That is when the electricity begins to flow and the alarm is triggered when the circuit is completed.
Home alarm systems have been around for a long time now and have become quite cost effective. You can buy an off the shelf variety and fit it yourself if you are a D.I.Y. type. The instructions are usually very good so you shouldn't have much of a problem. The only thing you might find is there may be a screw or two missing from the bits and pieces but then there usually is isn't there.
If you are not the D.I.Y. type then you can generally find a local installer or a tradesman that will fit it for you quite reasonably.
So I would personally recommend that if you can afford one you go for it. Start researching! I am convinced that everyone should get a home alarm system.
By Hal Clarkson